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Stats for WoW

4.2 ( 9472 ratings )
Developer: TrozWare

Do you play World of Warcraft?

Have you ever agonised over a new piece of gear - are those stats more or less important for my class and specialization?

And what about talents? We all know the feeling when you reach the critical level in the middle of a dungeon and you just have to choose the first talent that occurs to you, because nobody is going to wait for you to do your research. Now you can get immediate access to a suggested talent build.

Is you computer festooned with sticky notes reminding you that your prot pally needs haste over mastery but the enhancement shaman needs agility? Or that your beast master hunter should definitely go with Murder of Crows?

Get rid of the notes and use the WoW Stats app instead. Data is assembled from various sources and is updated automatically with each new patch.

And you can follow the direct links to the pages for your class and spec on Noxxic or Icy Veins for more info from within the app.